We Finally Perfected our Green Smoothie (vegan, gluten-free)


Smoothies are power packed with vitamins and minerals and a great, tasty way to get in your daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Incorporating leafy greens with fruits ensures that we receive all those nutrients and antioxidants while keeping blood sugar levels steady. Make it your own by adding your favourite toppings! For an added health boost, add Superfoods such as maca powder, chia seeds, cacao nibs, etc.

The perfect ratio of fruits and veg in a green smoothie (1 serving)

1 cup leafy greens - e.g. spinach, bak choy, romaine, kale
1.5 cup fruit - e.g. banana, mango, berries, pineapple, dates, avocado
1 cup liquid - e.g. coconut water, plant-based milk, plain water

Tips for blending

  1. Combine leafy greens and liquid base into blender and blend first to avoid leafy chunks
  2. Add fruits and handful of ice, then blend again

Sample green smoothie recipe:

1 cup spinach
1 cup soy/almond milk
½ cup mango
1 banana
Handful of ice
Toppings of choice (goji berries, granola, cacao nibs, coconut flakes, etc)


  1. Combine spinach with soy/almond milk and blend until leafy chunks are gone
  2. Add mango, banana and handful of ice. Blend again
  3. Add toppings of choice and enjoy!